
Liverpool Roofer - Advice On Fascia Boards

Liverpool roofer can advise whether it’s more beneficial for you to cap over or replace your existing fascia boards. Often, this idea is put into a customer’s mind by a salesman or other such individual who may have a vested interest in a costly replacement procedure. However, it isn’t always what’s best for your property.

If done by a reputable roofer Liverpool based, simply capping your fascias and soffits may work for your property. This is also occasionally known as over boarding and can lead to years of trouble-free service if fitted correctly. For it to work, however, you must employ a professional who will examine the roof thoroughly for signs of rot or infestation. It’s vital that whoever’s inspecting your roof checks every possible area where rot or infestation could linger. Then it can be treated and the capping procedure can carry on as usual. Full replacement of fascias is recommended when large areas of rot and infestation are found. These may have been caused by other roofing issues such as an inadequate roof pitch causing rotting of the wood. These should also be looked at by a reputable roofing Liverpool company to ensure the longevity and safety of your property. If you do elect for full fascia replacement, then this will have knock-on effects to other aspects of your roof. This is why it’s important for you to employ the correct firm to replace your fascias. It’s tempting to choose the cheapest offer but, usually, you end up paying for this in other ways further down the line.

At Maintenance Free Roofing, we understand that each property is unique. That’s why when we send a Liverpool roofer to inspect your fascia issues, we guarantee that they will advise what’s best for your property and not our pocket. Call for a no-obligation chat on 0151 321 1159 or visit our website at